Frequently Asked Question

What is the K Drive?
Last Updated 6 years ago

What is the K Drive?

Alternatively referred to as a share or network share, a shared directory is a directory or folder that is made accessible to multiple users or groups on a network. This the most common method of accessing and sharing information on a local area network. Any file or document contained in the directory is often referred to as a shared document.

At Indian Rivers we use this to share information and documents between our locations and users. The K Drive is accessible from any workstation at any location. Users are have assigned security permissions to access folders that are needed by their role or job at the agency.

If you need access to a folder on the K Drive, Please open a ticket with the IT Department requesting access to the folder. Be sure to include your supervisor as more information may be needed from them.

Use Example:
I am working at the Robinson-Geer Center in Pickens County. I create a document and save it to the applicable folder on the K drive. The next day, I log in to a workstation at Bibb County Office. Then I open the K Drive and applicable folder to access my document while working at the Bibb County Office.

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